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Hyundai Zombie Survival Machine

Hyundai Zombie Survival Machine

Based on the Elantra Coupe, it features a custom zombie plow — complete with spikes — out in front, armored window coverings, a roof hatch, a trunkfull of weaponry, floodlights in the front and back, spiked all-terrain tires, wheels with spikes for clipping nearby walkers, and an all-important CB radio system. After all, you don’t really expect your cell phone to work during the end times, do you?

Based on the Elantra Coupe, it features a custom zombie plow — complete with spikes — out in front, armored window coverings, a roof hatch, a trunkfull of weaponry, floodlights in the front and back, spiked all-terrain tires, wheels with spikes for clipping nearby walkers, and an all-important CB radio system. After all, you don’t really expect your cell phone to work during the end times, do you?

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